Sendur, Agnieszka M.2023-09-252023-09-252023Języki Obce w Szkole 2023, nr 3, s. 71-78.0446-7965 and more foreign language certificates can be taken from home. Candidates can choose a particular CEFR level at which they want to test their language proficiency or they can take a multi-level adaptive test. General English (GE), Academic English and some English for Specific Purposes certification examinations are available with the use of the at-home option. Some of the tests are assessed traditionally, by human markers; others are marked by artificial intelligence; others yet make use of what both these assessment techniques offer. In the article, the researcher makes a comparison of two GE tests at the B2 level available online. Pearson English International Certificate CBT and LanguageCert International ESOL are compared with reference to the format of the exam, task types, marking solutions and candidate identification and invigilation measures taken to safeguard exam integrity.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaonline examsat-home examsonline certification examsEnglish certificatesEdukacjaFilologiaPedagogikaCertyfikat z języka angielskiego bez wychodzenia z domu Porównanie egzaminów na poziomie B2 w wersji onlineGet certified from home: a comparison of English B2 online examinationsArtykuł10.47050/jows.2023.3.71-78