Widacki, Jan2019-05-292019-05-292012European Polygraph 2012, nr 2, s. 129-142.1898-5238http://hdl.handle.net/11315/24874"It is generally assumed that polygraphy originated in America. Yet the fi rst attempts at instrumental lie detection were performed in Europe earlier than in America, still in the 19th century. Positivism sought experimental pursuits for establishing methods of examining spiritual life. Subjects formerly described by poets and considered by philosophers were now to be measured, described in scientific language, and explained in the same language."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskahistory of lie-detectionMunsterbergMossoLombrosolie-detection in EuropePrawoPsychologiaThe European Roots of Instrumental Lie DetectionArtykuł