Widacki, Jan2019-05-302019-05-302009European Polygraph 2009, nr 2, s. 77-81.1898-5238http://hdl.handle.net/11315/24916"In his recently published monograph Badania poligraficzne – podręcznik dla zawodowców, literally “Polygraph testing – a handbook for professionals”, Jerzy Konieczny recommends performing the stimulation number test as the first in the series, opening the examination (Konieczny 2009, 151, 155). Besides him, a few other authors recommend that this test begins the examination. In Truth and Deception, a work that has become a classic, J. Reid and F. Inbau (1976, 38) recommend using the stimulation test second, after conducting the first test of control questions, and before its repetition."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapolygparh examinationPolygraph Stimulation Number TestCQTPrawoPsychologiaWhen should the Polygraph Stimulation Number Test be Performed?Artykuł