Stankiewicz, Jakub2019-04-122019-04-122012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 2, s. 153-160.1733-2680 Presidency in spite of numerous attempts to meet the current European problems in 2011, had no significant impact on the planning of the next steps to avert finance crisis in Greece and other euro zone countries. Undoubted problem during the Presidency of RUE was intensified doubts about the accepted formula for aid to Greece. Over the period of the Polish presidency will be remembered as the time the severity of the crisis in the euro zone, which eclipsed the ambitious objectives of the Presidency flammable and, above all, the development of the concept of the Eastern Partnership, and the commitment to strengthen the EU’s energy security. Lacking a coherent approach to the reform of the EU financial system Poland based its policy on blaming the responsibility for the current situation mainly strongest EU countries, including Germany. The controversial head of Polish diplomacy speech in Berlin at the beginning of the end of the first half of Polish emphatically demonstrates that the authorities in Poland a chance to deal with the current economic situation in the EU’s strong commitment to see Germany than in the possibility of reaching a common position among the other members. Although Poland is not due to the state of the euro group in Warsaw authorities tried to exert political pressure to guarantee our country the opportunity to participate in meetings concerning the reform of the Community’s financial policy. Is this goal has been achieved? Is Poland in the course of his presidency earned a positive evaluation of its commitment to the fight against the crisis? These questions are answered below article.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskakryzys gospodarczykryzys strefy euroGrecjaPolitologiaPrawoStosunki międzynarodowePrezydencja RP w warunkach kryzysu w strefie euro. Stanowisko polski wobec planowanych zmian traktatowychArtykuł