Banasik, Katarzyna2014-10-092014-10-092012W: Konteksty prawa i praw człowieka. (red.) Zyta Maria Dymińska. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012, s. 37-46.978-83-7571-199-8 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThe paper is focusing on the issues of incest and sexual freedom. Incest is understood as maintaining a sexual relationship among relatives in the direct line, siblings and persons related by adoption. The clause regarding incest has an autonomous significance only in the case of free sexual intercourses of persons over the age of 15. It is obvious, that a human being has the right to freedom, to sexual freedom as well. The freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution and international acts. The author presents a thesis, that the penalty of incest violates the sexual freedom and this violation is not justified. The relation of two legal terms, morality and sexual freedom, is presented, too. As a result the author makes a demand de lege ferenda: the full depenalization of incest.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaprawa i wolności obywatelskieprzestępstwo seksualnekazirodztwoKonstytucja RPEuropejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka (EKPC)kodeks karnyprawo karne w PolscePrawoKaralność kazirodztwa jako naruszenie wolności seksualnejPenalty of incest as violation of sexual freedomFragment książki