Mirski, Andrzej2021-01-122021-01-122012Zarządzanie w Kulturze 2012, nr 13, z. 4, s. 391-403.1896-8201http://hdl.handle.net/11315/29177Cultural behavior, as well as economic, can be divided into passive behavior (consumption of cultural goods) and active (production of cultural goods). In the field of cultural behavior we also have to deal with limited maximization, except that it has a different character than in the case of economic behavior. In the case of active economic behavior (work, business) in order to maximize profit is limited, in the case of active and cultural behavior (work) in order to create a cultural value. In the case of passive cultural behavior, which is a collection of cultural works goal is to maximize the utility of cultural value. It seems, however, that best solution exists, when the values are maximized at the same time cultural and economic.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaekonomiczne zachowaniekulturowe zachowaniedobra kulturywartość kulturowaograniczona maksymalizacjaprofesjonalizmprzemysły kreatywnekulturowa różnorodnośćzasada podwójnej maksymalizacjiKulturoznawstwoPsychologiaZarządzanie i marketingWartość kulturowa a zasada podwójnej maksymalizacjiCultural value and the principle of dual maximizationArtykuł2084-397610.4467/20843976ZK.12.026.1130