Wozniak-Zapór, Marta2024-02-272024-02-272023http://hdl.handle.net/11315/31246From introduction: "The growing public awareness of the design of goods and services enables their design to cater to the broadest possible audience. The principles of universal design are widely described in the literature, predominantly from an architectural standpoint. Adapting organisations to accommodate individuals with various temporary and permanent constraints raises the need to assess the extent to which organisations are prepared to do so. This necessitates developing mechanisms for assessing the level of sophistication a company has achieved in implementing universal design. A possible approach to assessing levels of maturity may be the concept of organisational maturity. Considering the long-established development of maturity models in management science, it becomes reasonable to draw on this knowledge and, on the basis of this knowledge, create a universal design maturity model."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskathe assumptions for building maturity modelsthe themes of universal designaccessibilityusabilityfunctionalitythe architectural areathe service area - at the point of service provisionand the area of offering goods and services via digital toolsArchitekturaFinanse i rachunkowośćGospodarka przestrzennaKomunikacja społecznaZarządzanie i marketingUniversal design maturity model in the digital area for the beauty sector - theoretical foundationsKsiążka978-83-66007-36-9