Michalik, Piotr2019-05-072019-05-072008Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2008, nr 1, s. 339-360.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23850"Independent of the fact that in the beginning the character of English colonialism, was more of a private trade and colonization enterprise, although colonization efforts were to a greater or lesser degree subject to the control of the Crown. A legal means of that control that at the same time was a tool stimulating the development of trade and settlement were royal charters. They were of strictly feudal character, as they meant transfer of sovereign rights of the monarch to the beneficiary of his or her charter. Depending on the type of person who the charter was issued for, two basic types were distinguished: corporate and proprietary. Both these models were used, while establishing English colonies in America. And although it was a corporate charter that held the historical priority, majority of the 13 colonies were formally associated on the power of proprietary charters."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaEnglish colonialismA joint-stock companycolonyBaltimoreStosunki międzynarodowePolitologiaKulturoznawstwoCharter of Maryland as an Example of Proprietary Colonial CharterArtykuł