Huczek, Marian2019-06-042019-06-042014Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2014, nr 3, s. 23-35.1643-8299 present-day business innovation as a knowledge domain has not yet achieved such a level of development to meet the enterprise growing need for innovation. The number of rejected innovations and failures in the innovation process show the need to be prepared for every change innovations entail. The literature on the subject emphasizes that the proposed overall approach to the problem of innovation should include integration of knowledge of the psychological sciences which deal with supporting individual and group innovative competences of the employees with management sciences. The article presents organizational and psychological conditions of innovative activity of company employees. In economic practice and most reference books innovation is mainly connected with the technological process and new products and the role of people and their possibilities, limitations, or other factors of psychological character are underestimated. It describes the subjective prerequisite conditions for the employees’ innovative behavior.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaconditionsinnovationdevelopmentprocessorganizational factorspsychological factorsEkonomiaSocjologiaZarządzanie i marketingOrganizacyjne i psychologiczne uwarunkowania aktywności innowacyjnej pracowników w firmieArtykuł