Tirică, Alina-Mihaela2021-11-242021-11-242021Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały 2021, nr 1, s. 117-132.1689-8052http://hdl.handle.net/11315/30487Following the current situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this study brings to light the way in which the traditional school (the notion “school” was used in this paper with reference to all levels of learning, both schools and universities) was replaced, in a somewhat forced way, with online school in a society pursuing the tradition of face-toface education. Given this aspect of e-learning and a possible higher exposure of their private life, for both students and teachers, the study will seek to answer the question: “Does online school represent a limitation of the right to private life?” through a series of legal arguments. However, before an answer is found, the right to private life and the right to education, as seen through Romanian legal regulations, as well as through the perspective of the European Convention on Human Rights, will be studied in detail. Last but not least, the concept of online school will be subject to analysis, from the perspective of both main parties involved in the education act, closely following the concept of private life.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaonline schoolright to privacyright to educationEuropean Convention on Human Rightscoronavirus pandemicAdministracjaEdukacjaPrawoThe online school – a barrier of the right to privacy?Artykuł2451-080710.34697/2451-0807-sp-2021-1-008