Zaporowski, Piotr2020-02-072020-02-072014Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały 2014, nr 2, s. 159-168.1689-8052 business name of an entrepreneur who is a natural person may be composed of its sole name and surname. The business name of an entrepreneur, who is the foundation, is the name of the foundation. This can sometimes lead to confusion as it is not always possible to determine whether the name and surname is a business name of an entrepreneur who is a physical or the name and surname refer to that entrepreneur in circumstances not related to her business activities. Similarly, there might be doubts whether the name of the foundation is its business name as an entrepreneur or is it her name in circumstances not related to its business activities. Author approves and proposes other solutions to prevent such threats.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskabusiness namenatural personfoundationconfusionEkonomiaPrawoWskazanie w firmie statusu przedsiębiorcy będącego osobą fizyczną oraz przedsiębiorcy będącego fundacjąArtykuł