Kowal, Tomasz2018-08-222018-11-082018-08-222018-11-082015Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2015 (XV), nr 4, s. 111-119.1643-8299http://hdl.handle.net/11315/20331Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationSteadily increasing access to psychoactive drugs and often fascinated positive image of drugs, artifi cially created by the media and various subcultures requires drastic increase in prevention activities. The fi rst contact with drugs usually falls on puberty and experiment with new experiences psychophysical. Often young people during this period seek to identify and accept their own „self” in society. Unfortunately, this creates a high risk of addiction to psychoactive substances. The publication trying to bring any circumstances and causes of fi rst contact with the drug, the risks it may bring in the future and preventive measures to be taken to avoid or signifi cantly reduce the phenomenon. The rest of the article is devoted to the treatment of addiction and prophylactic methods to prevent and largely can help to reduce the incidence of drug abuse.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskanarkotyki psychoaktywneprewencjamłodzieżinicjacja narkotykowapsychoactive drugspreventioninitiation of drug usePedagogikaPsychologiaProblem inicjacji narkotykowej wśród młodzieży oraz profilaktyka zjawiskaThe problem of initiation of drug use among young people and the prevention of the phenomenonArtykuł2451-0858