Lickiewicz, JakubSzymańska, JolantaBurkiewicz, Łukasz2018-08-272018-11-082018-08-272018-11-082015Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2015 (XV), nr 2, s. 113-123.1643-8299 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationCichociemni were the elite of the Polish Armed Forces in the West. They were trained in Great Britain to operate in occupied Poland and were ready for any sacrifice for the Fatherland. Despite the fact that over 2600 candidates volunteered for training and served only 316 of them were parachuted into occupied Poland. The article raises the issue of psychological traits of Cichociemny. The current literature on the subject focuses mainly on aspects of physical training, marginalizes an issue of personality and temperament. Today, the problem exists in the currently recruitment process of a modern soldier of the special forces. From the perfect soldier, popularly called the commandos, is expected not to only excellent physical fitness, but also appropriate psychological predispositions as self efficacy, commitment and sacrifice. According to the analysis of documents from the period of activity of Cichociemni these traits were also important then as today. It allows to put the thesis of the psychological profile of the ideal warrior, regardless of the time and place.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapsychological traitsCichociemnySilent Unseenpsychological trainingWorld War IIspecial forcesPsychologiaHistoriaPróba charakterystyki psychologicznej CichociemnegoAn attempt to characterize psychological of CichociemnyArtykuł2451-0858