Gawron, Mateusz2017-09-022018-11-082017-09-022018-11-082016Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2016 (XVI), nr 1, s. 133-148.1643-8299ł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleThe following article is an attempt to present the phenomenon of xenophobia, on the one hand, as an aversion to everything what is foreign, on the other, as a specific way of feeling which in some sense is a behaviour understood for every man. In this paper, other phenomena similar to xenophobia such as racism or discrimination which have a lot of shared areas with xenophobia as well as their most important mechanisms, were also described. Moreover, the issue concerning community was raised without which xenophobia could not actually occur. The article also includes the chosen examples showing signs of xenophobia, on Polish as well as foreign ground, concerning the latest events related to immigrants and refugees which we can see the most frequently in the media and web portals. The aim of this work was to compare particular fields of study: Security Studies, Management and Psychology in terms of intensity of xenophobic attitude, using self-designed questionnaire consisting of 21 statements in total. According to predictions, it turned out that Security Studies students indicate the strongest xenophobic attitudes in all three aspects: ethnic, religious and homosexual, while Psychology students the weakest. However, Management students were placed each time between Security Studies and Psychology students. Most probably the field of study is linked with the intensity of xenophobic attitude. Security Studies students will more often pay attention to something what is strange, untypical as well as threatening in surroundings in order to minimize the possible danger. Psychology students learn the acceptance conduct, not to judge on the basis of fragmentary information which very often requires devoting time and other sources. Security Studies students often cannot afford to do this.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaxenophobiaoikophiliaracismdiscriminationethnocentrismcommunityKulturoznawstwoSocjologiaStosunki międzynarodowePostawy ksenofobiczne wśród studentów wybranych kierunków studiów Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza ModrzewskiegoXenophobic attitudes among students of particular fields of study in Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow UniversityArtykuł2451-0858