Tyrańska, Małgorzata2019-06-062019-06-062011Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2011, nr 1, s. 275-293.1643-8299http://hdl.handle.net/11315/25090A determinant in increasing a hotel’s competitive advantage in the tourist market is, among other things, the quality of provided services, achieved by making appropriate use of the competence of the hotel staff. Considering the abovementioned thesis, the main aim of the article is to present the process of managing the staff’s competence, and particularly the nature, features, elements, and types of the personnel’s competence, as well as the tools used in assessing competence.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskacompetencecompetence of hotel staffmanaging competencemethods of evaluating the hotel staff’s competencePrawoTurystyka i rekreacjaKulturoznawstwoReligioznawstwoZdrowieZarządzanie kompetencjami pracowników hoteluArtykuł