Godowska, Magdalena2019-06-072019-06-072011Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2011, nr 4, s. 65-77.1643-8299http://hdl.handle.net/11315/25106The aim of the article is to answer the following question: to what extent public perception of women entrepreneurs in Poland is determined by the gender stereotype concerning the division of labour between men and women. High percentage of women entrepreneurs in Poland, together with a positive stereotype of woman entrepreneur may be a sign of a new picture of woman – professionally active and successful – becoming more and more popular and socially acceptable. In the text, the analysis of cultural preconditions for the development of women entrepreneurship is carried out. Based on the results of public opinion surveys and the analysis of the mass media content, the author attempts to construct a social image of woman entrepreneur.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskagenderstereotypewomen entrepreneursdivision of labourPolandEkonomiaKomunikacja społecznaPolitologiaStosunki międzynarodoweSpołeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości kobiet w PolsceArtykuł