Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian2023-08-312023-08-312023Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały 2023, nr 1, s. 45-61.1689-8052http://hdl.handle.net/11315/31159The right of employees and, at the same time, the obligation of employers in employment matters was regulated by the European Social Charter modified on 3 May 1996. Employees employed in Member States of the Council of Europe were granted, among others, the right to information and consultation in the establishments where they were employed. With a view to ensuring the effective use of the above rights in enterprises by employees, the modified Social Charter obliges entrepreneurs to inform and consult employees and their representatives – trade union organizations – about all financial and economic matters of the workplace employing them and about draft decisions taken by employers, that may affect the interests of employees. The author, a member and vice-president of the European Committee of Social Rights, analyzes and discusses in this scientific study the implementation and effects of actions taken by member states of the Council of Europe necessary – in the understanding of employees – to achieve the above goal.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaCouncil of EuropeemployeesemployersSocial Chartersocial rightsPrawoEuropean Right to Information and Consultation Employees and EmployersArtykuł2451-080710.48269/2451-0807-sp-2023-1-003