Matte, James Allan2020-07-102020-07-102020European Polygraph 2020, nr 1, s. 48-51.1898-5238"When I attended the Backster School of Lie Detection in New York City in January- February 1972, there were fi ve primary polygraph techniques in use at that time. Namely, the Relevant-Irrelevant Technique, the Reid Technique, the Arther Technique, the Marcy Technique, and the Backster Zone Comparison Technique. Th e changes that followed in the next forty years were signifi cant, and too extensive for discussion in this paper, hence the interested reader is directed to the voluminous textbook (Matte 1996), updated with a Supplement (Matte 2002–2012), available at"(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskathe Relevant-Irrelevant Techniquethe Reid Technique, the Arther Techniquethe Marcy Technique, the Backster Zone Comparison TechniqueDLCQPLCQMedycynaPrawoPsychologiaForemost Changes in Polygraph in Last 100 YearsArtykuł2380-055010.2478/EP-2020-0009