Perez-Campos Mayoral, EduardoPerez-Campos, Eduardo L.Pérez Campos Peláez, Fernanda PaolaPérez Campos Peláezd, Rashna Juliette2024-07-192024-07-192024European Polygraph 2024, nr 1, s. 11-42.1898-5238 history, different methods and instrumental designs have been used to identify and obtain the truth. Some of the methods described in this work are based on myths that have remained over time, but due to this legacy are unlikely to be applied, such as the Osiris judgment. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of these methods, such as the period in which they were used, their scientific validation, and their passive or active approach according to the literature. Some approaches have established the theoretical foundations for the development of more precise technologies that are currently used, such as the Bisha Bedouin Court System (ordeal by fire), which is based on arousal theory (response). This work also includes innovative applications such as the use of interview techniques to detect deception, which stands out for their wide spectrum of use in different contexts. Finally, we mention elements of investigative interview models and highlight the benefits of using verbal approaches to detect deception.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskahistoryevolutiondeception detectioninvestigative interviewingPrawoFrom Ancient Oracles to Modern Techniques: The Evolution of Deception Detection and the Benefits of Investigative InterviewingArtykuł2380-055010.2478/ep-2024-0002