Saldžiūnas, VitasKovalenko, Aleksandras2019-05-312019-05-312008European Polygraph 2008, nr 3-4, s. 209-220.1898-5238"We have already described how we developed an idea to create the EKT (Saldziiinas, Kovalenko, 2008). We have also described how we managed to help the police to investigate a homicide using the EKT (Saldziunas, Kovalenko, 2008). We would now like to offer for your consideration the tactics that we use in constructing questions and answers while using EKT -related methods. We would like to say directly that this has been proven by our practice. Yet we think that other ways of solution are also possible."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaevent knowledge testEKTpolygraph examinationpsychophysiologyPrawoPsychologiaThe Event Knowledge Test (EKT) in Polygraph Examination (common notice of tactics)Artykuł