Cepuch, GrażynaMieczysława, PerekDębska, GrażynaKrzeczowska, Bożena2014-11-152014-11-152011W: Interdyscyplinarna opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą nowotworową. (red.) Małgorzata Pasek, Grażyna Dębska. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011, s. 147-158.978-83-7571-196-7http://hdl.handle.net/11315/711Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperEvery type of pain is a great burden for a child. It always disturbs physical and psychical functioning and has a negative impact on the relations between the suffering child and his/ her surroundings. Pain relief should become a priority in paediatric care especially in the context of nursing care. Full pain diagnostics, careful evaluation, and eff ective therapy are most significant when taking care of a child experiencing pain. The objective of this work was to recognize what nurses and student nurses, working in paediatric units, know about pain diagnostics, assessment, therapy, and care for a child suffering from it. The study took place in the Children’s Hospital of Cracow. It included 52 nurses working in paediatric units and 55 third-year B.A. student nurses from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical School of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. A survey questionnaire, developed by the authors, consisting of four topic parts was applied. The study showed that the majority of respondents had knowledge regarding pain recognition among children including iatrogenic pain. They were aware of negative effects of improperly treated pain. However, they weren’t fully ready to assess pain intensity and control it. The study confirmed the need for wider education in the field of pain issues among student nurses as well as working nurses. Conclusions: 1. The majority of respondents had significant knowledge regarding pain recognition. However, complete preparation for care for a child suffering from pain wasn’t fully satisfactory; 2. More than 50% of nurses didn’t use any scale for pain intensity evaluation. Also, no medical records regarding pain were kept at all paediatric units; 3. Further professional education regarding pain issues among children, e.g. additional classes, needs to be introduced.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskabólskale oceny bóludzieckopielęgniarkapainpain evaluation scalechildnurseMedycynaZdrowiePielęgniarstwoOcena przygotowania pielęgniarek i studentów pielęgniarstwa do opieki nad dzieckiem z chorobą nowotworową odczuwającym bólThe evaluation of preparation for nursing care for a child of cancer diseases experiencing pain among nurses and student nursesFragment książki