Majchrowska, Elżbieta2017-07-042017-07-042014978-83-7571-302-2 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperIn 1978 China adopted a new strategy of economic development (so called open-door or opening up policy) which is connected with the process of transformation and the transition from the undeveloped central economy to the market-oriented one. As a result of the undertaken activities, China has overtaken many leading economies and become one of the largest in the world. Since 2009 China has been the largest exporter and in 2010 it surpassed Japan in GDP and became the world’s second largest economy after the US. According to the International Monetary Fund forecast China is expected to overtake the American economy by 2030. The key element of the adopted open-door policy is the integration with the world economy, which, in case of China, is mainly realized by joining the WTO structures. The adjustment to the WTO rules and principles resulted in China becoming a credible trade partner and the trade exchange has become more stable. The goal of this publication is to describe the consequences of the accession of the People’s Republic of China into the WTO for Chinese economy, world trade turnover and international trade system. The main thesis of the work is a statement that China’s membership in the WTO was a major reason for fast growth of Chinese trade, and, as a result, Chinese economy. This resulted in China becoming a major hub for stimulating international trade, not only in Asia Pacific region, but also in the world economy. Finally, as a consequence, China becoming also a major player in the world economy.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaWTOChinyChRLgospodarka światowahandel zagranicznypolityka handlowawolny handelprotekcjonizmstrefa wolnego handluGATTITOrozwój gospodarczytransformacja gospodarczaUEUSAliberalizacja handlu międzynarodowegokryzys gospodarczykryzys finansowy 2007EkonomiaHistoriaStosunki międzynarodoweWpływ członkostwa w WTO na handel zagraniczny Chin : implikacje dla gospodarki światowejThe impact of the membership in the WTO on China’s foreign trade : implications for the world economyKsiążka