Wójcik, Agata2019-04-122019-04-122012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 1, s. 243-255.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23151Owing to the Arab Spring events, the Turkish model has become a widely discussed subject, whereas positive image of Turkey in the region fosters its commitment and realization of political aims. In this article I try to answer and discuss some crucial questions like: could modern Turkey become a model of development for the Arab world? Could it be a source of inspiration needed in transformation and democratization of Middle Eastern regimes? What are the aspirations and motivations behind Turkish engagement? What are the determinants of its political force and commitment both in regional and international dimensions?plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaTurcjaArabska WiosnaModel tureckipolitykastrategiaHistoriaStosunki międzynarodoweBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneCzy współczesna Turcja może być modelem dla arabskiego Bliskiego Wschodu?Artykuł