Stec, Barbara2021-09-282021-09-282020978-83-66007-46-8"This work discusses the complex dependencies between the relationship of sunlight and the architecture of the interior and the atmosphere of the interior. The Introduction features an outline of the content of the work as the dependence between sunlight and architecture of the interior and the atmosphere of architecture. Examples of interiors in which an intended atmosphere was generated via a specific relationship between sunlight and architecture were listed. It was noted that the relationship between sunlight and architecture is an essential component/building block of the atmosphere of architecture, that is appreciated by architects and can be designed within an interior. The author also noted the reflection on the atmosphere of architecture present in architectural criticism and the theory of architecture. Chapter I includes a detailed outline of the object of the study, its scope and perspective: sunlight in the interior in a relationship with architecture in the aspect of the atmosphere of architecture. No temporal or territorial scope was outlined for Chapters I–IV, while for the case studies presented in Chapters V and VI—the analysis was limited to European and Japanese interiors from the period between 1965 and 2015 that the author could study via direct experience. Key terms were explained: light, sunlight, interior, the atmosphere of architecture, as well as the method of the study, its objective and its novel elements. The chapter also discusses the state of research, comprised of the literature quoted and used in the work."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskasunlightinterior—human surroundingsarchitecturethe atmosphere of architecturetheory of atmosphereimpressiveness of architectureambience of architectureprojection capacity of architecturestage designArchitekturaSztukaSunlight, Atmosphere and ArchitectureKsiążka