Maciąg, ZbigniewSkrzypczak, TadeuszCzajowski, Jacek2020-04-232020-04-231980Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 1980, z.16, s. 109-163 report, "The institution of the workers’ self-government and its effect upon the political culture of a socialist plant’s employees" has been prepared within a programme of investigations carried out the Stalowa Vola Steelworks Integrated. It comprises, roughly speaking, three basio problems. The first concerns the normative-legal characteristics of.this institution. The second part is devoted to the practical activities of the workers* self-government agencies. Finally, the third part: presents the empiric research on the manner in which the workers’ self-government influences the standard of political culture. The object of the present publication has been to describe and analyse the principles on which the normative-legal regulation of this institution was founded. The two remaining questions were dealt with in Ho. 14 of the Jagiellonian University Scientific Publications, "Praoe z Nauk Politycznych". In the part published presently the following questions have been discusseds the principles on whioh a workers’ self-government is organized in an industrial plant, the basio rights, assignments and competences of the different agenoies within the structure of a workers’ self-government, as well as the main trends in their activities. In the latter question the assignments of the different agencies of the workers’ self-governing board have been characterized in the following spheres t /1/ eoonony of production, /2/ improvement of working conditions, /J/ social questions, /4/ labour relations and their regulation, /5/ education and culture, and /6/ personal relations and their shaping.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskasamorząd robotniczykulturainstytucjeprzedsiębiorstwoanaliza stanu normatywnegoPolitologiaPrawoWpływ instytucji samorządu robotniczego na kulturę polityczną załogi przedsiębiorstwa socjalistycznegoArtykuł