Majorek, Marta2019-06-052019-06-052013Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2013, nr 3, s. 11-30.1643-8299 article presents an analysis and evaluation of housing policy instruments, with particular focus on, the program “Family on its own” implemented in Poland in recent years. It is worth to mention that the government eventually led to the total extinction of the program and replaced it with other tools. The question is whether it happened on fi nancial basis, or the decision was made because of its mediocre results, otherwise costly program. Finally, an interesting element here seems to be the matter of spreading the information about the program, especially the fact that initially the media did not show particular attention to it. Undoubtedly valuable source of analysis of this subject, in addition to selected, professional books and reviewed papers, reports and analyzes. In addition some network resources, and newspaper articles will help to follow the ongoing debate and help to conduct an accurate analysis of this question.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskahousing policyFamily On Its Own governmental programhousing developmenthousing creditsBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneEkonomiaFilmoznawstwoKulturoznawstwoPrawoSocjologiaRządowy program „Rodzina na swoim”. Społeczne, ekonomiczne i medialne reperkusje wdrażaniaArtykuł