Matte, James Allan2019-05-272019-05-272018European Polygraph 2018, nr 3, s. 107-115.1898-5238"There has been some question within the polygraph community regarding whether the Matte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique with its innovative changes were original or merely a copy of the Backster Zone Comparison Technique from which the MQTZCT emanated. The published documents provided herein, clearly show that the MQTZCT reduced the Truth Cut-Off scores in its conclusion table six years before the Backster ZCT implemented its Truth Cut-Off score reduction. Th e MQTZCT also retained the value of the Cut-Off scores in each chart, rather than diminish their value with each chart as in the Backster ZCT. Furthermore, it also ameliorated Backster’s “Either-Or” Rule, with the Matte “Dual Equal Strong Reaction” Rule, effectively inhibiting the successful use of countermeasures. Th e MQTZCT introduced the Fear of Error Control Question for comparison with the Hope of Error Relevant Question as a means of addressing the Othello Error (Ekman Dec. 1986). Th e MQTZCT used the Stimulation Test in conjunction with the MQTZCT, contrary to Backster’s rejection and non-use. Th e MQTZCT also eliminated Backster’s superfl uous question regarding prior polygraph tests, and subsequently also eliminated Backster’s drug question."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaMatte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison TechniqueBackster Zone Comparison TechniqueEither-Or RuleDual Equal Strong Reaction RuleFear of ErrorOthello ErrorHope of ErrorTruth Cut-Off ScoresStimulation testHabituationPrawoPsychologiaSetting the Record Concerning the Differences Between the Matte Quadri-Track and the Backster Zone Comparison TechniquesArtykuł2380-055010.2478/ep-2018-0011