Piechota, Grażyna2015-01-032015-01-032014-12-22KOME − An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry 2014, Vol 2 Issue 2, p. 37-63.2063-7330http://hdl.handle.net/11315/817Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleMulticulturalism, as a political and social phenomenon, is more and more often perceived as a challenge in the realm of studying communication processes. New media make it possible to communicate and build relations in the global dimension with a simultaneous impact on the development of horizontal communication, creating groups and communities and active support for different forms of social participation. In this context a pilot study concerning the role of new media in overcoming schemata and prejudice of students in two different cities with different levels of multiculturalism in the local community was carried out.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskamulticulturalismsocial mediastereotypeprejudicehate speechcultural differencesintercultural communicationcomparative researchKomunikacja społecznaKulturoznawstwoThe Role of Social Media in Creating Intercultural Dialogue and Overcoming Prejudice – a Comparative Analysis of Pilot Survey ResultsArtykuł