Czubik, Paweł2018-08-272018-11-092018-08-272018-11-092015Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2015 (XV), nr 1, s. 11-20.1643-8299 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationNonrecognition of some national subjects universally recognised by the states is also associated with consequences in approval of foreign public documents issued in the questioned jurisdictions. On the one hand, legalistic attitude explains the absolute exclusion of cases of acceptance in their own legal space of any effects of unrecognized states’ existance, on the other hand, points to the necessity of non-infringement of the rights and expectations of individuals originating from unrecognized states. Hence, to a limited extent, it seems necessary to recognize at least vital records relating to births and deaths. The article is devoted to attempts of the Introduction of documents from the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus into the Polish legal space, using the jurisdiction of Turkey.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskanon-recognized statesvital recordsforeign public documentsTurkish Republic of North CyprusPrawoStosunki międzynarodoweAdministracjaNieuznawanie urzędowych dokumentów zagranicznych wystawianych w ramach jurysdykcji tzw. państw nieuznanych – przypadek Tureckiej Republiki Północnego CypruNon-recognition of official foreign documents issued in jurisdiction of so-called non-recognized states – case of the Turkish Republic of North CyprusArtykuł2451-0858