du Vall, MartaWalecka-Rynduch, Agnieszka2014-01-292018-11-082014-01-292018-11-082012Państwo i Społeczeństwo, 2012 nr 1, s.107-121.1643-8299http://hdl.handle.net/11315/261Artykuł recenzowany / Peer-reviewed articleThe purpose of this article is to draw attention to the changes that have occurred in the practice of modern politics. Our observations focused on the issue of political entertainment and progressive tabloidization, which greatly enhances this phenomenon in contemporary politics in Poland and around the globe. It can be said that the phenomenon of politicaltainment is a manifestation of mediatization and tabloidization of politics. In this context, the mediatization will mean the transformation of political communication of its actors under the influence of the media, and tabloidization will mean processes of common lowering of journalistic standards, reducing the amount of hard information (economic and political) and the predominance of soft information, such as scandals, sensation, entertainment, junk news, extending the defi nition of what the media think voters should know in order to assess the competences of a particular person to function in public life. In the article we present a handful of examples that show the development of political entertainment and the impact of this process on the formation of political discourse.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapoliticaltainmenttabloidyzacjacelebrytyzacjainfotainmentmemetyzacjatabloidizationcelebritization of politicsmemetization of politicsDziennikarstwoKomunikacja społecznaPolitologiaPoliticaltainment jako przejaw tabloidyzacji politykiPoliticaltainment as a manifestation of tabloidization of politicsArtykuł