du Vall, MartaWalecka-Rynduch, Agnieszka2014-01-292014-01-292012W: Public relations wobec wyzwań współczesności. (red.) Grażyna Piechota. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012, s. 43-68.978-83-7571-209-4http://hdl.handle.net/11315/262Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThe development of contemporary socio-political movements is marked by the use of new media by members and supporters. Twenty-first century showed the new face of political protest; a protest, on the one hand takes on a continuous basis, and on the other hand, takes place in real time. If we add to this that it can attract the interest of people in different parts of the world, of very different status and educational background, we face today’s modern rebellion and the modern rebels, who have learned to use the “technology” in the field of public relations for their own purposes. The objectives of this article is to discuss the PR strategies followed by contemporary social movements. Inasmuch interesting as members of these movements enjoy the development of new media to reach for modern tools for articulating their demands. For the analysis we have selected social movements that emerged at the beginning of the twenty-first century and which, as we tried to prove, had a huge impact on contemporary political discourse. The active use of social media such as Facebook or Twitter by their members and supporters made the protest not only the visible external articulation of the problem; it also began to exist on the network, which made it permanently up-to-date with the development of political events. Citizens and their presence (even if silent) can no longer be ignored in the modern state by those who are active in the public space. Contrary to what has been announced by many practitioners and researchers, that “Homo Politicus has died”, the present indicates the opposite. It seems that citizens are just now beginning to fully realize that people / the societies are most important element; that you need to get involved, to protest, to act.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskakontestacjaprotestkomunikacjaInternetcontestationcommunicationWorld Wide Web (WWW)public relations (PR)ruch społecznyDziennikarstwoKomunikacja społecznaPolitologiaWyzwania komunikacyjne wobec polityki protestuCommunication challenges regarding protest politicsFragment książki