Młynarski, Tomasz2019-04-152019-04-152012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 4, s. 115-131.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23176The crisis of the euro zone has revealed both weaknesses in EU member states economies and structural errors in the EMU. With its escalation, France and Germany have joined together to repair the euro zone. German demands were different from French visions of the euro group financial model. Over time, different approaches converged with each other until the development of joint proposals for legal and institutional EMU reform. France played a major role in the establishment of a support mechanism for Greece and corrective solutions adopted coincide with the French idea of economic governance in the EU. At the same time, actions taken by France and Germany in the face of euro crisis, were resulting from the historical responsibility and created opportunity to enhance their leadership in the EU. Wouldn’t be that adoption of fiscal surveillance solutions outside European institutions, in the intergovernmental agreement formula, is going to deepen process of the status differentiation for member states, de facto creating “two speeds” Europe?plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaFrancjakryzysstrefa euroreformygospodarkaEkologiaEkonomiaStosunki międzynarodoweFrancja wobec kryzysu strefy euro na początku drugiegiej dekady XXI w.Artykuł