Piziak-Rapacz, Anna2019-04-122019-04-122012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 2, s. 129-142.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23167Energy market in EU is changing, for examle: economic crisis, energy consumption is still growing, CO2 emissions problems, costs of clean energy. That’s why UE needs good cooperations between all the actors. The EU needs a stable long term strategy to promote the development of the energy sector in 2050. The Polish Presidency will suport this way and suport aspirations of European conutries. Poland started the Presidency in July 2011 (the first country of the Trio, which also includes the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Cyprus). During the 6-month presidency took place a lot of meeting and events. The Polish Presidency for example finalise the negotiations on the Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Energy Market (REMIT), The Presidency adopt also the TTE Council conclusion in november 2011. Polnad also make progress on the Infrastructure Package and Energy Efficiency Acts.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaPrezydencja PolskiRada UEbezpieczeństwo energetyczneclean energyemissions problemsPolitologiaPrawoStosunki międzynarodowePrezydencja Polski w Radzie UE a kwestia bezpieczeństwa energetycznegoArtykuł