Szymańska, Beata2019-06-052019-06-052012Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2012, nr 1, s. 159-178.1643-8299 main purpose of my paper is to consider a problem of justice in a context of health care. The John Rawls’ theory is my point of methodological departure. He states in it the importance of the concept of fairness and equality from behind what he terms a “veil of ignorance”. Rawls refers to the “original position” in which a person is attempting to determine a fair arrangement for society without any preconceived notions or prejudices. I refer, however, his theory to the health care fi eld and I consider such problems as fair distribution of medical care or fair partition of taxes for personal insurance. Further problems appear there in consequence, e.g. who has the privilege to attain the medical help as a fi rst and the resulting doctor’s ethical dilemmas.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskajusticemedical careRawls’ theory of ethicsdispassionate observer“veil of ignorance”ethical dilemmasFilozofiaPedagogikaPolitologiaSocjologiaKulturoznawstwoZasada sprawiedliwości a dostęp do opieki zdrowotnejArtykuł