Mirski, Andrzej2021-01-132021-01-132013Zarządzanie Mediami 2013, T.1, nr 1, s. 63-84.2353-5938http://hdl.handle.net/11315/29185Zarządzanie Mediami strona czasopisma: https://www.ejournals.eu/ZM/Tom_1/1-2013/art/2705/Nowadays values plays important role in the modern management. The essence of management values in the company is taking care by managers about the most important values, putting them on, promoting, compliance and control. The values in the field of management of the company can be, according to the author of the article into three main groups: 1. the values in the moral sense: set standards and norms of behavior, 2. the values in terms of utility, primarily concerning the product, 3. the values in economic terms, which include the value of the product, achieved, as well as the value of the firm. There is only one, according to the author of this paper a way to permanently improve the quality and attractiveness of information (as well as the media company’s reputation), namely, that the information will become real creative and cultural goods. At the time when the information produced and distributed by the media company will have the character and quality of cultural and creative goods, acquire the nature of public goods, giving positive externalities. As such, should benefit from public support perspective, as it happens with culture and education institutions.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskavalues managementmedia companymedia values in the moral sensevalues in terms of utilityvalues in economic termsthe quality and attractiveness of informationcreative and cul¬tural goodspublic suportKulturoznawstwoZarządzanie i marketingZarządzanie wartościami w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem medialnymManaging by Values in management of media companyArtykuł2354-021410.4467/23540214ZM.13.006.2297