Molo, Beata2019-04-052019-04-052015Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2015, nr 1 s. 47-601733-2680 article presents synthetically the issue of changes in the international energy markets and their political implications. The analysis embraces the essence and consequences of the “shale gas revolution” for the U.S. and the international energy markets, particularly taking into consideration the impact of the “shale gas revolution” on the oil price. The prognosticated decrease of the U.S. request for the imported oil and natural gas will affect the decision of the exporting states regarding the scale of extraction and direction of delivery/export. The oversupply of oil and unconventional gas might rise the pressure on their price reduction in the international markets, thus enfeeble the political signifi cance of the OPEC, especially Saudi Arabia, as well as jeopardize the position of Russia as the “energetic power”. Moreover, the article broaches the matter of development of the liquefied natural gas production, in particular the possibility of LNG’s export by the United States. In the geopolitical dimension it might result in the increase of the negotiation strength of the new extraction regions and the change of the current power balance. Key words: the international energy markets, the political implications, „shale gas revolution”, LNGplUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskamiędzynarodowe rynki energetyczneimplikacje polityczneciekły gaz ziemnythe international energy marketsthe political implications„shale gas revolution”LNGBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneStosunki międzynarodoweImplikacje zmian na międzynarodowych rynkach energii-wybrane aspektyArtykuł