Matte, James Allan2019-05-292019-05-292012European Polygraph 2012, nr 2, s. 95-101.1898-5238"For many years, the American Polygraph Association’s standards of practice required that a minimum of two polygraph charts containing the same test questions had to be collected before a conclusion of truth or deception could be rendered. Th e assessment of the validity of any psychophysiological veracity test is based on the assumption that the test consistently measures the same properties."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaconclusion of polygraph examinationminimum number of polygraph chartsPrawoPsychologiaMinimum Number of Polygraph Charts Required to Reach a Conclusion of Truth or Deception in Psychophysiological Veracity ExaminationsArtykuł