Fatuła, Dariusz2014-03-032014-03-032007W: Finansowe uwarunkowania decyzji ekonomicznych. (red.) Dariusz Fatuła. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2007, s. 153-164.978-83-89823-49-6http://hdl.handle.net/11315/331Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThe article discusses the structure of loans and deposits made by households analysed for the duration of the investment, purpose, duration of the crediting period, and the currency selected. The analysis conducted points at probable reasons and future effects of thus defined structure and dynamics of change in selected categories. The most important phenomena in the field of bank deposits in 2006 include a major rise in the short-term deposits paralleled by a drop in long-term ones. Visible here is the near doubling of the value of longest-term (i.e. exceeding 20 years) loans, mostly home loans. Loans in foreign currencies continued to increase faster than those in the local currency (PLN). A positive sign is a marked drop in the share of troubled loans to the level of 5.6% of all loans, marking the 10-year low.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskagospodarstwa domoweryzyko kursowepożyczkakredyt bankowydepozyt bankowyhouseholdexchange riskloancredit (finance)deposit (finance)EkonomiaFinanse i rachunkowośćStruktura depozytów i kredytów bankowych gospodarstw domowych w 2006 rokuThe structure of bank deposits and credits of housholds in 2006Fragment książki