Pradetto, August2019-04-092019-04-092014Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2014, nr 4 s. 111-122.1733-2680 contribution analyses the development of transatlantic relations focussing on German foreign policy and missions of the German Federal Armed Forces since the end of the Cold War. It tries to answer the question of why – 25 years after the fundamental geopolitical changes of 1989/90– the German foreign and security policy is still having difficulties fi nding a consistent strategy based on clear standards and plausible criteria, especially with regard to external commitments and military components as an integrated part of NATO strategies and forces. Methodologically, the focus lies on internal political structures processing external challenges and experiences made during the past two decades. In this framework, the so called interdependency trap (Politikverfl echtungsfalle (Scharpf)) is to be analyzed. That is to say the relationship of relevant German foreign policy elites with their NATO and EU partners is illuminated with their repercussions on internal political discourse formation.deUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaGerman foreign policyGerman security policyMilitary missionsNATOAlliance Partners relationsProcessing foreign policy experienceStosunki międzynarodoweBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneDie Transatlantische Politikverflechtungsfalle: Deutsche Auβenpolitik Zwischen Strategischer Orientierungslosigkeit; Humanitärem Anspruch; Opportunitätsmaxime Und PrestigedenkenArtykuł