Wrońska, MałgorzataHuszcza, Martyna2020-02-102020-02-102012Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały 2012, nr 1, s. 173-180.1689-8052http://hdl.handle.net/11315/27580The article presents studies in the diagnostic quality of teachers’ assessment of behavioural and verbal premises of deception chosen from literature. Participating in the studies were 100 teachers specialising in early education, whose main task was to assess the frequency of specific symptoms of deception. Later, a study whether the respondents believe that personality can have an influence on the symptoms of deception exhibited was conducted. If the respondents provided a positive answer to the question, they were asked to match individual symptoms to specific personality types. The results of the studies were compared to the results of other studies conducted among police officers. Representatives of both the professions were treated as competent judges, as in their daily work they deal with deception, and the respondents themselves believe that they are a very good in recognising deception.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskakłamstwonauczycielszkołametody detekcji kłamstwaneurotykPrawoWykrywanie kłamstwa przez nauczycieliArtykuł