Majorek, Martadu Vall, Marta2021-07-152021-07-152020978-83-64423-91-8 "The script is designed as a collection of texts referring to the basic issues related to the cultural policy of the European Union - its historical, legal and institutional context, but also the practical one. The adopted design assumptions allowed for a transparent presentation of the material, which, while being a coherent whole, can also be used in fragments, depending on the needs of students. The material may be the first source of basic information on issues related to the culture in general, but it also could be a useful source of information for those who want to learn about the mechanisms concerning the EU support of media and cultural initiatives. Besides, students who need to learn how European Union law can directly affect individuals or institutional entities will find a relevant content served briefly and transparently."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaConceptualization of CultureCharacteristics of CulturePhilosophy of CultureMeaning of CultureCultural rightsCultural management and financingEuropean Year of Cultural HeritageKulturoznawstwoMedioznawstwoCultural policy. Funds for cultureKsiążka