Zdanowski, Jerzy2016-06-242016-06-242008978-83-7452-030-0http://hdl.handle.net/11315/6923This book is on slavery in the Persian Gulf in the early 20th century, as documented in the official reports of British officials as well as the slaves' statements made at the British Agencies. Giving a statement was a prerequisite of manumission the slaves were applying for in front of the British officials. In the course of the research 949 statements made between 1907 and 1949 were found and their analysis sheds a light on various aspects of the social, economic and political life in the Gulf in this period. Slavery was an important part of the socio-economic system of the region, which was based on pearl diving and the cultivation of palm trees. The system had existed for ages but it was threatened by a deep crisis in the 1920s and 1930s. This fact had significant implications for slavery.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaniewolnictwoZatoka PerskaWielka BrytaniaXX wiekslaveryPersian GulfBritain, 20th CenturyBliski WschódMiddle EastHistoriaKulturoznawstwoSocjologiaSlavery in the Gulf in the First of the 20th Century: a study based on records from the British ArchivesKsiążka