Brataniec, Katarzyna2014-12-192014-12-192012W: Public relations wobec wyzwań współczesności. (red.) Grażyna Piechota. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012, s. 19-42.978-83-7571-209-4 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThese days individual nations and cultures have to deal with a new necessity, which stands before them in face of numerous contacts with others: namely acceptance of diversity, negotiation from a position of respect for others and recognition of different established religious value systems. If one ignores these facts, according to Ulrich Beck, humanity may find itself in the era of a new barbarism. Social and human sciences offer a new paradigm based on dialogue, cooperation and cosmopolitanism. The idea of intercultural understanding is obviously not new, but what is new is the idea that without this recognition it is impossible to build correct and profoundly human relationships between different cultures and religions. Western societies need to revive the idea of coexistence of cultures in Europe and make a distinction between the process of integration and assimilation. They should also defi ne a new spirit of all public relations activities as those who can implement the idea of perceiving things through the eyes of others. Academic considerations and beliefs that exists only as theoretical concepts cannot change human attitudes. Only thoughtful and coherent action by the institutions, social movements and organizations is able to influence public opinion by prolonged persuasion. This process is associated with a new understanding of culture as an open whole. Collective identity resembles modern culture and is mixed and relative. Another feature of contemporary culture is increasing number of contacts and cultural ties in face of globalization. Good communication is based on cross-cultural dialogue and common understanding, a so-called third culture which stems from establishing common rules for all participants. Fundamental barriers in communication in mutual contacts still remain: the legacy of colonialism in colonized societies and the attitude of civilization superiority of Western societies with their simplified ideas about developing countries. They specifically suppress the importance and role of religion for people from other civilization. In many cultures, religion affiliation is not a free choice of an individual, which is why basic knowledge about dogmas and values of participants of communication is essential. Multiculturalism as an idea is a great opportunity for dialogue of civilizations. In fact it means the recognition of cultural diversity in Western societies. In practice it means the state policy which provides space for the existence of contradictory and even hostile patterns and cultural traditions. It is a project that sets high expectations for all cultural groups located on the given territory. The basic problem is to mitigate the culture shock of immigrants. The education is a key to understanding each other, particularly in host society. Intercultural communication is not an abstraction which applies to international corporations, military or diplomatic services, but it is a reality for Polish society too.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskawielokulturowośćkosmopoplityzmkomunikacja międzykulturowabariery komunikacjitolerancjatożsamość kulturowaglobalizacjacywilizacja zachodniacywilizacja islamskaintercultural communicationmulticulturalismbarriers to communicationtolerancecultural identityglobalizationwestern civilisationislamKomunikacja społecznaKulturoznawstwoSocjologiaStosunki międzynarodoweWyzwania w komunikacji międzykulturowej wynikające z uznania innych ładów aksjonormatywnych ugruntowanych religijnieFragment książki