Stankiewicz, Jakub2019-04-082019-04-082014Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2014, nr 1 s. 191-210.1733-2680 2014, the EU will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the biggest ever expansion of its borders. In 2004, among its members appointed countries of the region, which since the end of World War II have been isolated politically, economically and mentally from benefits of the ,,Western” integration. The upcoming anniversary is a good time for a broader rethink how Poland uses the existing opportunities that obtained with the accession to the EU. The thesis of the author is the conviction that without the accession to the EU, Poland would not have obtained the current relative stability in the political, economic and social. However, at the same time, author believes the EU would fail without Polish current role in international relations. By analyzing the above issues, author tries to answer the question of whether currently existing opportunity to strengthen the position of the Polish EU, specifically in the first circle of integration by strengthening cooperation with Germany? In addition, the article is subjected to criticism, opinions about the marginal role of Polish in the European structures. Author in the following dissertation is based on extensive literature Polish and foreign, as well as his own thoughts and previous work published in national journals.”plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaPolish-German PartnershipEuropean Unioneuro-crisisintegration circlesEkonomiaPolitologiaStosunki międzynarodoweAsymetryczne partnerstwo czy pragmatyczna współpraca? Szansa na Polsko-Niemiecki sojusz w pogrążonej w kryzysie UEArtykuł