Majorek, Martadu Vall, Marta2017-09-022018-11-082017-09-022018-11-082016Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2016, nr 1, s. 117-132.1643-8299ł recenzowany/ peer-reviewed articleThe aim of the paper is to identify and analyze the reception of events in Ukraine on the Internet. The scope of the concerned issues will be limited to a picture of the situation drawn by the internauts using Twitter, and, in particular, the Polish Internet users. The fundamental issue, which will be taken into consideration is the overall image of Euromaidan and the ratio of Polish Internet users to the protest on Polish Twitter. The authors decided to investigate the activity of Polish Internet users on Twitter, analyzing the contents marked with the hashtag (#) Euromaidan in the 3 months period beginning from November 2013.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaEuromaidantwitterInternetUkrainePolandDziennikarstwoKomunikacja społecznaKulturoznawstwoSocjologiaObraz ukraińskiego Majdanu w polskich mediach społecznościowych – na przykładzie TwitteraUkrainian Maidan in Polish social media – the Twitter exampleArtykuł2451-0858