Czerniak, AnnaZłotek, Monika2017-10-182017-10-182017978-83-65208-89-7 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationAutorski projekt zgrywalizowanych zajęć z „Psychologii reklamy i zachowań konsumenckich”. Praca magisterska została wyróżniona główną nagrodą w organizowanym już od 2008 roku w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego konkursie na najlepszą pracę dyplomową w roku akademickim 2015/2016.The subject of this work is gamification. Gamification is a new phenomenon that using the mechanisms of the game is changing human behavior on the positive. Gamification changing activities that are difficult or unpleasant for the people in activities that encourage commitment to creating fun with something that did not like. The aim of this study is to show the impact of gamification on the behavior of people with a particular emphasis on its use and impact inthe field of education. The study answered the question, what is the effectiveness of gamification and what makes the game attract and engage users so strongly, referring to the psychological theories. It was shown the possibility of using gamification in various areas of human life, in business, health, work and education. They cite a number of examples illustrating the implemented solutions gamification in distinguished areas, their effectiveness and impact on people’s behavior. In order to test the effect of gamificationmechanisms in the field of education, we created an original project gamification classes, the course of Psychology of advertising and consumer behavior in the fourth year of psychology, full-time studies. It was also an attempt to compare the course gamifications, based on the mechanisms of the games, with the traditional form of the classes of the same course on a part-time studies. As a result of the evaluation of both courses, there was to gamification form of classes was more effective in educating, compared with the traditional way of teaching. Although it important to emphasize that gamification almost every question has achieved better grades, the differences were not significant statistics. The evaluation results indicate that the mechanisms of gamification effectively motivate students to learn and activity, and no significant differences due to the fact that both courses were highly appreciated by its participants.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskagrywalizacjagamifikacjagramechanika gierpiramida potrzeb Maslowapętle zaangażowania społecznegoEdukacjaPsychologiaZarządzanie i marketingSocjologiaGrywalizacja : wykorzystanie mechanizmów z gier jako motywatora do zmiany zachowania ludziKsiążka