Ginton, Avital2020-04-282020-04-282019European Polygraph 2019, nr 4, s. 181-201.1898-5238 essentials of the Relevant Issue Gravity (RIG) theoretical framework for explaining the Comparison Question Test (CQT) (Ginton, 2009), is presented here in a detailed outline format. It is based on the notion that examinees who lie on the test in the relevant questions are attached psychologically to the relevant issue in a diff erent way than the truth-tellers. An essential diff erence is the strength by which the suspect’s attention is directed, focused, and bound to the relevant issue. Th ese aspects of attention in the context of polygraph examinations are coined, Relevant Issue Gravity (RIG) Strength. Th e RIG strength is assumed to distribute diff erently between the liars and the truth-tellers. Th ere is reason to believe that liars hold a stronger RIG compared to the truthful subjects, and eventually, that affects the differential reactivity to the relevant vs. comparison questions. Th e following describes the rationale behind the RIG concept, some supporting data, and the theoretical as well as practical implications.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapolygraphdeception detectionlie detectionComparison Question TestCQTRelevant-Issue-GravityRIGPrawoEssentials of the Relevant Issue Gravity (RIG) Strength: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Comparison Question Test (CQT)Artykuł2380-055010.2478/ep-2019-001310.2478/ep-2019-0013