Kusion, Mariusz2019-04-112019-04-112013Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2013, nr 3 s. 73-92.1733-2680http://hdl.handle.net/11315/23112Article describes a complex political crisis lasting in Mali and his probable implications. There were presented in detail two fundamental aspects of this crisis such as: the Tuareg (MNLA) and islamists rebellion started in January as well as military coup from march 2012. It was claimed that the military intervention at the beginning of 2013 r., in which French army was involved, was an indispensable solution – but insufficient. It was found that sweeping reforms are needed to value Tuareg participation in political and economic life of the country (for eg. in the form of autonomy). It was demonstrated that labile interior situation in Mali might destabilize all order in Western and Sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Sahel area by increasing the threat of terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and crime (especially by AKIM, Boko Haram and MUJAO). Not to mention the safety of North Africa, where the situation after the Arab Spring is still fragile, and in the longer term, Europe and the USA.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaMaliMNLAAnsar DineTuaregsSub-Sahary AfricaSahelterrorismfundamentalismAKIMMUJAOBoko HaramArab SpringPolitologiaStosunki międzynarodowePodwójny kryzys w Mali i jego międzynarodowe reperkusjeArtykuł