Zdanowski, Jerzy2016-06-232016-06-232014W: Re-Visions and Re-Orientation. Non-European Thought in the International Relations Studies. (red.) J. Zajączkowski, M.F. Gawrycki, A. Bógdał-Brzezińska, Bloomsbury Publishing India, 2014, s. 68–86.978-93-84052-01-0http://hdl.handle.net/11315/6917Islamism is one of the currents in the political thought of the Islamic world. It considers religion an ideology and uses it in political struggle. Its goal is to develop a model of socio-political development based on Islamic norms. Islamism is a socio-political thought deeply engraved in the minds of the inhabitants of the Near and Middle East and a very popular ideology due to the social order it envisages. For decades, in the Arab Middle East, Islamism as a political movement was pushed down into the political underground, but the events of 2011, referred to as the Arab Spring, have given to Islamist groups, new opportunities to take political action. Islamism presents its own vision of international relations.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaislamizmBliski WschódMiddle EastArabska WiosnaArab SpringislamismPolitologiaStosunki międzynarodoweVision of international relations in islamist ideologyFragment książki