Kusiak, Monika2017-07-242017-07-242011978-83-7571-113-4http://hdl.handle.net/11315/13591Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTeaching Practice Tasks has been designed for students of initial teacher training courses who are about to start their teaching practice. The book contains a set of materials that provide guidance and enable trainees to keep record of their development at the beginning of their teaching career. The book may be used by institutions which organize their students’ teaching practice in cooperation with school-based mentors. The tasks offered in the book may be used by teacher trainers and mentors as a tool to check and assess trainees’ progress. The book may be particularly helpful in supervision of extra-mural and distance learning students, who because of geographical and time constraints may wish to take up their teaching practice at their local schools. Teacher training institutions may find visiting student teachers in their home places almost impossible and a written record of teaching experience can provide a reliable alternative. What does the book contain? The book contains a range of tasks that will help trainees to develop skills necessary in the teaching profession. The materials may be divided into the following: Reflection tasks, Observation tasks, Team / solo teaching tasks, Materials for Teaching Practice supervisorsenUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskateaching practiceteacherstudentlessonreflection tasksobservation tasksteam/solo teachingdisciplineerror correctionlearner-centered teachingself-evaluationPedagogikaTeaching practice tasksKsiążka